Amélioration continue, supply chain, méthodes industrielle| Tout secteur d’activité


Our experts have developed solid knowledge and transversal skills in the majority of business sectors. This allows us to work on many issues, while adapting our approach and tools to the specific needs of our clients. Our field-oriented and result-oriented approach is the DNA of Axsens bte.

Aeronautics, Space and Defence

The aeronautics, space and defence sector i a leading European industry. It is undergoing major changes and faces many challenges: increasing production rates, reduced cycle times, reduced environmental impacts, information management and cyber security.

Aeronautics is one of the most important sectors in terms of innovation and technological progress. In order to find new drivers for improvement, players in the aeronautics industry must constantly be look for more reliable, efficient and profitable equipment and processes, while being more environmentally friendly. This rapidly growing sector must face digital transformations and increased production rates in order to satisfy orders from all over the world. Thanks to their experience, our teams support clients and their subcontractors in their transformation projects.

The emergence of new threats, terrorism, cyber-terrorism, industrial espionage, drones, in a context of globalization and digitalization, requires states and companies to redouble their efforts and resources in terms of defence and security.

Thanks to our expertise, we help you meet these challenges and take full advantage of them.

The space sector is reinventing itself thanks to new opportunities offered by research, with the rise of small and medium-capacity satellites, space tourism and the emergence of new, increasingly competitive and innovative players (e. g. SpaceX).

For more than 10 years, Axsens bte has been present with the major players in the aeronautics, space and defence sector, and has supported them in their changes, while minimising risks.

Agri-food industry

With a constant need to innovate and adapt to the new standards and challenges of tomorrow, the agri-food industry is dynamic and evolving.

While the emergence of new technologies is revolutionizing all sectors, the stakes are even higher when it comes to the agri-food sector.

Today’s consumers take lots of data into account in their new way of consuming : traceability (e. g. blockchain), information on product manufacturing conditions, waste prevention, environmental impact…

As a real competitive lever, it is now essential for players in the food industry to optimise their supply chain and put the end customer at the heart of their strategy, by collecting and exploiting various data.

Thanks to technical skills enriched by field experience, we help you manage the digital transition and make your processes robust and efficient.


 All players in the sector, car manufacturers and equipment manufacturers are now delevopping more autonomous and connected cars, that meet the new ecological challenges.

Environmental awareness is driving customers and manufacturers alike to switch from diesel to alternative solutions, such as hybrids or electric vehicles.

Despite volatile markets and competition from emerging countries, the automotive industry remains at the forefront of technology by investing as much as possible in R&D. 

The main objective is to make drivers’ lives easier thanks to new features (telematics box, smartphone applications, assisted driving, etc.) that make journeys more enjoyable, autonomous and secure.

These changes profoundly transform the entire ecosystem, by forcing players to create new partnerships, particularly with start-ups. We support you in this transformation.


 After more than 10 years of continuous growth, the construction sector is now slowing down and faces foreign competition.

Despite its importance, the construction world is still lagging behind other industries in terms of digital transformation. The major players in the sector must therefore rely on innovation and R&D in order to develop new technologies and software (BIM, digitisation of plans, etc.) to meet their client’s expectations.

Eco-construction, respect of deadlines and budgets, as well as on site safety, are the main issues and challenges of this sector.

As a real differentiator, the Building and Civil Engineering sector must integrate a continuous improvement process, in particular through the application of Lean methods (reduction of lead times, integration of employees, simplification of processes, etc.) so as to improve operational excellence and guarantee acceptable operating margins.

Our team combines theoretical knowledge and field practice in order to adapt to the specificities of each client, thus increasing productivity and performance.


In an increasingly complex world, the retail sector must renew itself in order to meet the ever more demanding consumer demand, in terms of service customization, lead times, competitiveness/price whilst facing e-commerce competition.

To manage this transformation, distributors will have to face multiple challenges:

  • Offer new services to enhance the customer experience,
  • Define an omnichannel strategy to increase sourcing opportunities,
  • Optimize the value chain to identify growth drivers (deadlines, costs, investments, etc.)

New strategic challenges are imposed by the acceleration of digital innovations. At Axsens bte, our consultants are used to integrating this constraint into their mission, which allows us to efficiently manage the projects you entrust to us.


The industrial sector is undergoing a major transformation and must both innovate and improve its competitiveness in order to face the future and new challenges.

In this sense, industrialists rely on new technologies and turn to industry 4.0.

A major performance challenge is to modernizing, optimize and flexibilize processes and production, in order to meet new customer requirements in terms of quality, safety (compliance with standards and respect for people), meeting deadlines, reducing environmental impact, relocating certain production lines, etc.

Our experts are qualified and have a true practical background, that allows them to support you in solving your problems.

Pharmacy and Health

In the digital age, the pharmaceutical and health sector is forced to reinvent itself. This sector is at a major turning point. It must face new challenges, in terms of innovation and cost management and face new emerging markets.

Ongoing regulatory changes have a significant impact on the supply chain of pharmaceutical and health industry players, forcing them to continuously adapt.  Our experts help you manage change by optimizing your processes to increase agility, performance and efficiency.

Transport and Logistics

The transport and logistics sector is also shaken by the many economic and consumer changes that have taken place.

The emergence of new technologies, the globalization of trade, the evolution of consumers, e-commerce and respect for the environment are all factors that have forced the major players in the sector to review their strategy and positioning, in order to modernize and thus maintain their growth rate.

Driven by digitisation and new IT tools, whether by air, sea, road or rail, the transport industry has developed significantly to meet new requirements regarding traceability of goods and inventory management.

Our consultants support you in successfully transforming your logistics warehouses, using the appropriate tools. Optimizing your logistics master plan and transport costs significantly contributes to guaranteeing your operating margin and market positioning.